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Dear Parents and Carers...

Published on 15/11/21

A letter from our head teacher

Dear Parents and Carers,


Children in Need 

On Thursday 18th November we will be holding a non-uniform day following the theme ‘Embrace Who You Are’.  Students may wear their favourite clothes and donate £1 to Children in Need.



A reminder this Friday 19th November is an INSET day; school will be closed to all students.


Y11 Mock Exams

A reminder to parents that the Y11 Mock Exams begin on Monday 22nd November.


Attitude to Learning Reports

Attitude to Learning reports for Years 7 to 11 were shared with students during extended form time on Friday and will be sent to parents via Weduc this week.  Students used the time to work with form tutor to reflect on their report and set themselves targets for this half-term.  Further information can be found here. 



PTA Festive Wreath Making Workshop   


The PTA will be holding festive wreath making workshops in the school on the evenings of Wednesday 24th November and Thursday 25th November. If you are interested in attending please click on the date of your choice to book through eventbrite: 

24th November 

25th November


Covid Update

In the week 6th – 12th November, 11 students (one Y7, three Y8s, three Y9s, three Y10s, one Y11) tested positive for Covid.  As the weather turns colder, and we continue to keep the building well ventilated, please encourage your child to wear layers under their school jumper or hoody.


Best wishes

Sarah Sims